Thursday, November 5, 2015

Google Fonts

Google fonts are just about the easiest thing to have a wide variety of fonts at your disposal, without downloading more than you could ever believe into your font library. Of course, being able use the variety of Google Fonts come with a price and that being the only people who can see them are ones using Google Chrome. (Ultra sad face right now, because obviously we are all avid users of Internet Explorer) 

First off, you go to the Google Fonts website and you browse through probably the thousands of latin based fonts, changing everything from the thickness to the slant of the font you could find itself. 

You then click on the font that you want and go to the QUICK-USE button. 

Then you select the fonts that you want, obviously then you select LATIN and go to the button import button, this is where it "gets tricky." You select the import URL and then insert it into your CSS. You're not done with it then, because then you have to integrate it into your webpage, because if you don't the font wont show up, then that's a problem.

Here's my CSS :) 

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